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Strong in Faith

Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Primary School

As a Catholic school we offer our children the opportunity to grow as young people and encourage them to develop a closer relationship with God in an atmosphere of mutual love and respect.  


Our Lady of the Wayside is a school we are all proud of. Our school is a vibrant, positive place that provides a safe and welcoming environment in which to learn. Our children enjoy coming to school , are motivated by their successes and become confident, reliable citizens.  


As a Catholic School, we seek to live out the values of Jesus Christ. We promote these values by our words and deeds recognising that every child is unique and is created in the image of God. Jesus told us to "Love one another as I have loved you" and this reminds us every day to go the extra mile for the children within our care.


We are fortunate to have such a talented and hard working staff who provide an outstanding quality of care and encourage all our children to aspire to achieve their very best. Staff encourage the children to engage in our wide and varied curriculum and provide an atmosphere where children can fully develop their talents and learn new skills. As a school we offer a wide range of sporting and musical opportunities.


We have an amazing school choir and a rich and diverse instrumental programme. We also have a large, and very full, trophy cabinet which reflects our many sporting achievements.  


We aim to cultivate first class partnerships with parents and carers, governors and the local community who play such an important part in the life of our thriving school.


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Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Primary School, Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull B90 4AY
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